Burglaries in homes can be terrible experiences that make the victims lose their comfort in their own homes. Due to this, home security has become a sensitive issue to most homeowners as they seek to protect their families and property. Homeowners often use alarms as a means of protection, but do they work as a deterrent to burglars and intruders who are always on the lookout for easy targets? Well, let us have a look at it more closely.

How home alarm systems are supposed to work?

A Home Security System is an installation meant to discourage potential intruders and notify the homeowners and police if there is a break-in. The majority employ motion detectors, door and window contacts, glass breaks, and keypads on control panels to activate or deactivate the system. If the sensors are tripped then alarms sound and outdoor lights are turned on to ward off the intruders. Simultaneously, the alarm monitoring companies receive the alert and inform the police who in turn are dispatched to the home. It is also effective to have security company signs and window stickers that denote that the house is protected by the specific alarm system to discourage burglars from considering the house as a target in the first place.

Shortcomings of Alarm Systems

As much as home alarm systems are efficient in preventing theft, they come with some drawbacks that affect their efficiency. First of all, professional thieves can remove alarm systems by cutting phone connections or electricity supply. Those connected with the alarm companies minimize this weakness but can be interfered with or have unreliable connections. Advanced thieves may also plan to pry open areas that are not alert sensitive, or to get in through chutes to avoid tripping alarms.

Furthermore, police response time to the alarm triggers about 10-15 minutes on average in many regions. This provides sufficient time for the thieves to get in and out, with the items of interest in hand. Others also penalize homeowners for repeated false alarms caused by pet movements, technical problems, or operator mistakes. For this reason, individuals often mute alarms or neglect notifications, making it even less efficient.

Factors That Impact Effectiveness

In general, home alarm systems can act as reliable means to prevent burglaries, but their effectiveness largely depends on several aspects. These include:

  • Proper installation -There must be enough detectors on all entry points and areas that are likely to experience glass breaking. Inadequate coverage exposes areas that burglars can access easily.
  • Armament – The last thing is armament, and if homeowners do not arm the systems routinely based on their schedules or forget to do so, then they leave themselves open for intruders who study the pattern. It is also important to continuously trigger the alarm.
  • Alarm type - Audible alarms and alerts from the monitoring company are a double deterrent while silent alarms only alert the homeowners. Both can be useful.
  • Sensor effectiveness – The motion sensors, entry contacts, and other detectors have to be effective, functioning as they should to detect intrusions. That is why frequent testing is important to ensure they do.
  • The police response time – The quicker the police arrive at a scene the higher the chances of catching burglars which in turn increases the effectiveness of alarms. Help comes in from alarm monitoring companies that have direct links with the police.
  • Sense of security – Burglar alarm company stickers, window stickers, and outdoor blinkers create a sense of security regardless of whether they are active or not. Such perception alone is enough to discourage some criminals from perpetrating their unlawful deeds.
  • Backup measures – The use of alarms accompanied by reinforced locks, secure windows/doors, exterior lighting, and video cameras form backup measures that increase effectiveness.

On their own, even the most expensive home alarm systems do not ensure a burglary will not occur. They are still effective and valuable tools when used as one of the measures to prevent break-ins in a house. Correct installation, consistent usage, security measures for the backup, and creating the perception of security can go a long way in enhancing the functionality of the alarm systems in homes.

Statistical Data of Security Alarm Systems

Statistical evidence on real-world home alarm system effectiveness shows mixed results: 

  • In a survey conducted in 2022, it was found that as many as 95% of burglars look for homes that do not have alarm systems because of fear of encountering the police.
  • Houses with security systems are 50% less likely to be burgled as highlighted by many insurance industry surveys. Battery-backup-equipped systems can achieve even greater levels of savings.
  • A study by the police indicated that 89 percent of the burglaries that occurred between 2010 and 2015 were in houses without alarms as compared to 11 percent in houses with alarms.
  • According to the best available data, it seems that security systems have not penetrated widely across the country, with as few as 20-30% of homes being protected by them. The deterrence impact of wider adoption would likely significantly lower the overall community burglary rates.
  • False alarms persistently affect police’s reaction and utilization of assets because of the rate at which they occur. As much as 94% of dispatches resulting from home alarms are proven to be false alarms according to estimates. Penalties for successive false alarms are increasingly being introduced to counter this.

The data proves that alarm systems do indeed reduce the risk of burglary victimization significantly. However, there are still openings where even more professional burglars can take advantage that homeowners who have the wrong equipment or usage. Thus, constant improvement and proper use of the alarm systems ensure their success for happier and safer homeowners.

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