Atlanta, Augusta, Columbus, Macon, and Savannah are some of the larger metropolitan areas in Georgia. All the urban centers as this study has found are regretfully not immune to the various kinds of crime. The purpose of this article is to analyze crime rates and various types of offenses in the five largest cities of Georgia.


Since Atlanta is the capital and largest city of Georgia, rates of violent crime and property theft are fairly high overall. There were more than 26000 cases of aggravated assault, robbery rape, and murder in Atlanta as compared to The FBI Uniform Crime Reporting for the year 2021. This gives it an annual incidence of around 1,317 violent crimes per 100,000 residents.

In Atlanta burglary, larceny-theft, and motor vehicle theft are even more common than violent offenses and this is where the real scam takes place. There was one property crime per 50.5 residents, and as of the same year, there were more than forty-nine thousand occurrences in that category for a rate equaling to two-thousand five-hundred fifteen incidents reported during 2008 (i.e. offensive type also an aggregation). Some of these high numbers in crime are a result of the number of gangs there and illicit narcotics markets that saturate their way throughout our metropolis.


Located near the Savannah River, Augusta is the second-largest city in Georgia in terms of population. For violent crimes alone, Augusta suffered 2,490 such incidents, including more than 20 murders, in 2021. This translates to approximately 852 violent criminal incidents for every 100000 residents in any given year.

Augusta also includes quite a high property crime rate; around 14,000 of it takes place in the city a year. This can be translated to mean that for every 100,000 people, about 5,000 are likely to experience such incidents. Augmented crime rates in every category probably suggest that the local economy is weak and poor areas of Augusta lack the resources that would help reduce crime.


Columbus with over 200,000 residents is a mid-size city located along the western part of Georgia near the Alabama state. As for violent crimes, in the same year, it was indicated that Columbus had about 1,100 of these including 10 murders. This brings their violent crime per 100000 population per annum to 525.

While violent crimes are not as common in Columbus, property crimes are more frequent, and around 6,700 burglaries, thefts, and carjackings occurred in the previous year. Columbus therefore has a property crime rate at 3174 such events per 100 thousand population, although this is below the state rates. Mr Columbus has, therefore, had an overall declining crime rate through community policing.


Another of Georgia's cities with a population well above 100,000 within the city proper is Macon which sits in the center part of evident. Rates of violence in Macon are higher than in most large cities, despite its small population. During the same period, more than 1,150 crimes of aggravated assault, robbery rape, and murder occurred within city limits resulting in a per capita violent crime rate averaging out to about 834 for every 100000 citizens.

In 2021, Macon cleared nearly 5,700 property crime cases at the same time. One of the most popular crimes that local district police have to deal with is burglaries and thefts because the property crime rate was estimated going up high at 4090 per 100,000 inhabitants. These trends are due to the lack of sufficient youth intervention programs and slow and/or uneven economic development.


Savannah is a historic southern coastal city that has been facing crime issues for many years due to a port city, post-tourism, and separation based on socioeconomic status. In 2021, Savannah recorded a population-adjusted total of 1329 violent crimes, of which 15 were murders, which yields a violent crime rate of 690 incidents per 100000 residents per year.

Compared to violent crimes, property crimes are significantly more prevalent with 11000 burglaries, thefts, and motor vehicle thefts said to have occurred last year. This makes Savannah’s total property crime rate approximately 6,100 per 100000 inhabitants. Some current development plans for downtown are to continue with the development process in the hope of extending safety and economic growth to other areas.

Summary and Implications

Overall crime statistics proved that Georgia’s cities still experience high levels of violent crime and property crime risks. Lack of jobs and money, gang activities, and inadequate support programs for youths were mentioned by the respondents as contributing to high crime rates in the city.

These figures suggest that there should be increased effort to develop community involvement, more policemen, and deterrent measures, as well as increased social services in Georgia’s metropolitan regions. It is only possible with the help of large and comprehensive concepts that would take into consideration the local specifics of each mentioned city to provide the population with a high quality of life and a safe environment.