Burglar alarms and home security systems have become very popular in the recent past due to the rise in cases of break-ins in homes. But do these systems prevent burglars from getting into the house? Or are there intelligent criminals who somehow manage to bypass all forms of security including those installed with alarms?

It is difficult to answer this question with a clear yes or no. However, evidence from research and criminal profiling shows that it is possible to have an efficient home security system that can discourage burglars. However, it is crucial to consider the quality of the system, the type of alarms, or other factors that may be present.

Burglars are usually more cautious and tend to look for easier targets in areas that are not alarmed.

The majority of intruders tend to stay away from homes that have security alarm systems in place. Research conducted in this area has involved several convicts who agreed that they avoid homes with security alarms and warning signs.

It is common for burglars to gain entry through an open door or an open window normally by forcing a lock. It can be fast, sneak, and do not cause much alarm while the culprits take valuable items from the building. Handling an alarm system means that the burglar is likely to be apprehended and this is an aspect that the majority of burglars do not want to experience.

Also, homes with an alarm system are more likely to have a burglary occur when the alarm is triggered in the middle of the event. This is because an earlier notification increases the likelihood of arrests. As a would-be housebreaker once in prison said: Even an alarm is a chance, out before the law gets there. To them, targets without complex alarms are more attractive.

Thus, the burglars would rather go to another home without alarm troubles even if this decreases the amount of potential profits. Crime statistics also corroborate this proposition. In a report carried out on convicted burglars in Florida, 83% of them stated that they would stay away from homes that had alarms and security warnings outside their homes.

Which security systems can be more effective?

Every home security system offers some level of security to the residents. However, the most efficient means of preventing burglary are alarms that are linked to security centers that are operational day and night. This way, if any alarm is triggered, the monitoring staff is immediately notified to send help to the location.

Perimeter security systems that are monitored around the clock often provide for quicker response from authorities if an alarm is triggered. Visible outdoor signs warning potential intruders about connected alarm systems also assist by discouraging criminals.

Some of the most burglary-proof system types include: 

  • Professional security alarm systems with window and door contacts to alert of burglaries.
  • Outdoor security cameras with night vision and motion detection features to capture the intruders. Surveillance recordings are also useful for police cases Moreover, According to police investigations.
  • Door cameras monitor whom to let in and who those strange faces lurking around the compound are.
  • Ensure all the external doors have smart locks that close and lock when you leave the house and which also send notifications when there are any attempts to force the doors open.
  • Indoor features include advanced glass break sensors and indoor motion detectors as additional features.

The fact that there are several layers of security technology and barriers increases the efficiency of the alarms for avoiding burglaries.

What are the Weaknesses in Security Systems?

Conventional home security programs, even the enhanced ones, can still provide no thorough protection against burglary. It has to be said that their effectiveness is not without the vulnerabilities in certain aspects.

First of all, many of the entry-level do-it-yourself home security systems that are not necessarily bundled with professional monitoring can be very simple to set up and relatively affordable. However, they depend on homeowners to act when alarms are triggered. Sometimes these alarms go off for false reasons, any time taken to resolve such situations or to dismiss them, means burglars have extra time on their hands.

Additionally, smart criminals can find ways to defeat alarms to follow through with breaking in: 

  • The criminals would also plan and look for ways that they cannot be easily detected such as avoiding areas with motion detectors.
  • They can also disconnect the electricity and telephone lines to prevent alarms from being set before gaining entry.
  • For instance, armed robbers might employ devices such as signal jammers to interfere with wireless alarm transmissions.
  • Their experience with such systems enables them to neutralize or eliminate those systems faster.

Thus, alarms exclude a majority of burglars who are likely to strike at the first opportunity; however, those who are planning a burglary at a certain house will not be stopped by an alarm system. Organized burglary teams tend to plan when a target home offers sufficient recompense to provide complex alarms.

Alarms systems are essential home protection tools, and this article will explain how to get the most out of them.

It is important to note that no security system offers guaranteed security against burglaries; it can only offer about 99 percent security. However, integrating home alarm systems with excellent features to the homeowner practices enhances the effectiveness.

In addition to such items as security cameras and monitored systems, it will also be useful to install smart smoke alarms, smart bulbs, and water leak detectors.

Also, ensure smart homeowner practices of not leaving valuables in plain sight, changing schedules, not publicizing when the home is empty, keeping shrubbery cut around doors and windows, and knowing neighbors as other ways to enhance safety.

Finally, do not disregard alarm sirens thinking that they are false alarms – they must be treated as real. Daily tests are conducted while monthly tests guarantee each of the sensors works correctly to ensure real break-in attempts always trigger the alarm relay.

Lastly, it is important that you only employ reputable and credible home security companies to install your systems. Verifying certifications, insurance documentation, and even Better Business Bureau ratings provide comfort about service professionals.

The Bottom Line

Most authors concur that security alarm systems that are installed can indeed play the role of deterring potential intruders. Research shows that the majority of intruders ensure they avoid properties that display alarm warning signs and instead prefer to target easier targets.

But it must be noted that alarms cannot offer a foolproof safeguard against all possible break-ins. Some of these can however be bypassed by well-planned break-ins by master thieves though such incidences are relatively few.

Nevertheless, integrating dependable home alarm systems customized to your requirements with effective homeowner practices remains the most effective burglary prevention available today. This makes it quite difficult for most burglars to come and try their luck with your home when there are easier targets out there.

Thus, although the more intelligent burglars learn how to avoid them, domestic security alarms remain rather effective against most break-ins. Due to their past performance, security systems are worth the investment to protect your home.

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