When an ADT home security system detects an intrusion or another situation that requires initiating the alarm, the loud sound that plays through the siren and the blinking lights is intended to deter the intruders and to let neighbors know that there is something wrong. However, through the control panel, ADT also transmits emergency signals to their monitoring center so they can send assistance based on your preferred alarm configuration.

how long an ADT alarm rings before the central monitoring station starts to call depends on the type of alarm and the account. Burglar alarms are typically equipped for a few minutes up to 15 minutes to attempt making the intruders leave while fire and panic alarms are often loud and blaring until deactivated. It is noteworthy that the priority for alarm calls in the ADT system is given to those coming from smoke detectors and panic pendants, which indicate an acute emergency. Let’s focus on the specific time of a typical ADT alarm and the call process that was followed based on the triggered sensors.

Burglar Alarm Duration If the ADT system receives an intruder signal from a door, motion, or glass break sensor installed at your home, the siren blast, as well as the outside lights comes on. This is more convenient since the Control Panel inside your home indicates which sensor was activated so you would know where the problem is. Burglar alarm sirens are very loud since they are loud enough to frighten the burglar, with capabilities of producing up to 120 decibels. It has been established that most burglars can panic and escape within the first few seconds that a security alarm goes off.

Burglar alarm unit sounds typically last from 3 to 4 minutes with activation periods ranging from 90 seconds up to 15 minutes depending on the ADT security package and regulatory policies. The alarm siren goes for the set time, or until the user cancels it using the passcode or password. After the activation of the ADT alarm system, the signals are sent directly to the ADT monitoring center. ADT will not place the call for the emergency responders unless the system siren for your home has gone off for at least 30 seconds. This integrating delay is useful in avoiding false alarms in cases where you trigger the sensor and then enter your code.

Therefore in cases where the intruder invades your home and you are still unable to get to the control panel to disarm the alarm before the stipulated time, you can be certain that the monitoring center will demand emergency dispatch in roughly half a minute. The alarm itself sounds at its maximum volume for the entire length of time you had set it which is a continuous shrill that is supposed to scare the intruders away.

Fire Alarm Duration

An event that poses a threat to lives like a fire or carbon monoxide alarm requires immediate attention. While the ADT burglar alarms are set to go off for a few minutes before automatically stopping, the fire and gas alarms have the bell ringing non-stop before silencing the alarm. Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors raise alarms immediately alerting ADT’s monitoring centers to quicken efforts to offer assistance at any time of the day. It focuses more on situations that are dangerous to the lives of those in the building such as fire and carbon monoxide poisoning.

The instant an ADT fire or Carbon Monoxide alarm springs to life, the emergency signals reach their call centers to ensure fire and medical personnel are on the road as quickly as possible. Typically, within 30 to 45 seconds, the ADT alarm monitoring agents will make the initial call to the fire department and other relevant emergency contacts in the account. ADT fire alarm verification technology assists in reducing the frequency of false alarms, Typically, it makes phone calls after ascertaining the emergency. But if the trigger was an accident, there are only 30 to 60 seconds to give the passcode to operators and let them understand that they should not make any calls.

In cases of fire and toxic gas leakage, the quicker one is to douse the fire, preventing injuries and fatalities. The specifications of emergency response time at ADT for smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are to ensure that first responders are on the scene before the fire becomes out of control. Well in risk of life or death situations you can receive calls for help coming from the ADT monitoring center they should take not more than one minute. The fire or CO alarm itself remains active or continues to sound a loud alert until you enter the correct passcode or until arriving firefighters, paramedics, or other emergency responders deal with it.

Panic Button Alarm Duration

A property ADT system with a panic button enables you to sound the alarm the moment you are at home and you feel that an intruder is around. These panic pendants can be fixed on the wall and the persons with the pendants can move around the house with them. When you press the panic button that is personalized for you, the full burglar siren is sounded and it also informs the monitoring center. Like fire alarms, panic alert calls from ADT activate emergency response calls within around 45 seconds so that the emergency services can get to you as soon as possible.

The panic button alarm has the same shrilling sound as the security system burglar alarm that goes at a maximum 120-decibel volume until deactivated at the Control Panel. In many cases, just the mere activation of a panic alarm or the presence of loud alarms discourages threatening intruders. However the monitoring center also immediately dials the local police dispatch requesting reinforcements as a matter of urgency. Panic alarms signify hostile break-in scenarios thus; the call centers will do everything within their power to give any information they have to enable you and safeguard you before the police arrive. As seen in the above scenarios, there is an imminent danger to safety and, therefore, you can expect an extremely fast response to the alarms once the panic buttons are pressed.

If the phone is not answered within these allotted periods, what happens when ADT doesn’t call? If you are a subscriber with ADT and have been asking yourself the question “Why did ADT not call me when my alarm rang?” first ensure that the monitoring services are switched on in your package by accessing the ADT account online. Ensure that your billing information, the contract term, and contact information are updated because lapses may cause interruption of the monitoring services. If your system reads active and your alarm went off for the time you programmed it for but you didn’t get any emergency calls, it’s crucial to call ADT customer service to inquire about their investigation on your monitoring safety.

At an exceedingly limited number of times, communication problems could occur and hinder signals from being relayed to the monitoring center. Intermittent electricity supply, disruption of internet connection, fault in phone lines, cellular network complications, or even fault in the alarm hardware could also hamper the communication of alarms remotely. For this reason, ADT tries to avoid gaps in monitoring through backup cellular connections that rank signal priority more highly. However, it is important to quickly notify ADT of any times the alarm was not sounded so that they can identify what might have been causing it, and make sure that the alarm can be relied on in the future to work as intended. They can also ensure that every component of your onsite system is properly connected and relaying all the signals to the alarm receivers.

New ADT President Emphasizes Quick Interventions

ADT consumers expect prompt emergency calls during an alarm situation for basic security against threats like burglars, fires, and carbon monoxide poisonings. New ADT Corporation President, Jim DeVries has also focused on the ability to respond to emergencies from their monitoring centers together with the new smart home products. From DeVries’ data, one deduces that professionally monitored home security providers such as ADT offer superior urgent responses to DIY options. He is investing in enhanced supervising equipment that could corroborate instances and minimize total alarm call and response times even further.

Hence, the emergency response, necessary for ADT, is already in place; however, recent leadership changes introduce an even faster and more reliable protection mechanism through the use of additional verifying tools and community engagement. As ADT introduces smart home products such as video camera systems, smart locks, and voice commands into the service portfolio, all integrate so that there are faster and faster pre-alarm responses and confirmations of real unauthorized events requiring action. Hemming says that these monitoring and connected smart home improvements will expand the gap that ADT has with other security providers when it comes to response to emergencies.

Rest on ADT Monitoring Response

Whether you are at home or out when an emergency occurs, the ADT Alarm Response Center is prepared to demand quick assistance immediately on the day and night. It is important to know that the minute a break-in, fire, or carbon monoxide is identified, your home security system alerts you with noises and dials help in 30-60 seconds with the help of ADT’s team. Some of the tasks performed by the district managers across North America include guaranteeing that the ADT call centers are manned 24/7 to attend to the incoming alarm triggers and to call the authorities on your behalf as soon as possible.

Unlike other do-it-yourself security applications and systems that leave the control of emergency notifications and decisions solely in the hands of the users, ADT’s professional monitoring services immediately respond to the alarms independently to contact fire departments and police to act according to the given details. This eliminates costs, risks, and responsibilities that customers would otherwise have to bear when trying to manage high-level stress, time-sensitive intrusions, fires, or panic incidents on their own. On the other hand, ADT’s monitoring protection operates automatically.

Protect your home today with ADT’s top-rated security solutions!

Call now at +1 877-470-7879 to get a free consultation and find out how you can secure your home with the best in the business. Don’t wait—ensure your peace of mind with ADT!