The Google Nest camera is one of the most used Home Security System cameras; however, unlike most security cameras, it does not require a power source except the rechargeable battery. This makes it possible to position the smoke detector at any location within your home while not having to consider proximity to power sources. However, it does mean that you will have to occasionally charge the battery again to maintain its full capacity. Okay, but how many hours does the battery of the Nest Camera take before it is completely drained and requires a recharge? Here’s a breakdown of battery life you might enjoy.

What does Google say that they can achieve?

Google says that the Nest Best security Cameras battery can last up to seven months when fully charged if used typically. However, the battery life is a function of several factors and can therefore last longer or be shorter than this estimate in real life.

What are the factors that influence battery life?

Several key factors determine how long the Nest camera battery lasts before needing a recharge: 

  • Usage Frequency – The higher the frequency of using the camera to record motion events, the shorter the battery’s lifespan. This is because the recordings are fewer and the time that the battery lasts is longer as compared to the times when there is more activity.
  • Frequency of Motion Triggers – When there are many motions triggers that capture many clips per day from people, pets, cars, etc, then the battery will be consumed more than when there are few triggers.
  • Recording Length – The more time spent recording per motion event consumes more battery than a short time. Nest cameras record 10-60 seconds mostly.
  • Video quality – Streaming as well as recording high-definition 1080p videos requires more bandwidth than 720p videos. Reduced resolution is effective in increasing battery longevity.
  • Activity Zones – This method is preferred since it only powers up the camera to monitor specific zones instead of the entire camera view.
  • Battery Consumption – Night vision video recording consumes more battery compared to normal daylight recording.
  • Temperature extremes - Exposure to very high or very low temperatures affects the battery’s performance and its durability when used under moderate conditions.
  • WiFi Quality – This is regarding the strength of the particular signal that the camera is connected to since weak signals are likely to drain the battery more than strong ones.
  • Push alerts & Live streaming - push alert messages and live streaming also affect the battery level.

What Battery Life Is Reasonable?

Unless you own a summer house that remains empty for weeks, the reality is that most homes experience constant traffic throughout the day and night from people, pets, cars, and other things. Thus, the 7 months of the best-case scenario for battery replacement seems improbable when the car is used in normal daily circumstances.

Here’s a more realistic look at typical battery life based on usage levels: 

  • High Usage Household
  • 10+ triggers per day alert and streaming
  • Battery Life: 1-3 months
  • Moderate Usage Household
  • Consumers receive 5-10 triggers per day, but not all of the alerts.
  • Battery Life: 0 to 5 months
  • Low Usage Vacation Home
  • 5 or fewer triggers per day
  • Battery Life: 5-7 months

While technically, the Nest cam battery could last months, typical homeowners usage might want to recharge every 1-3 months depending on daily usage. Thankfully, it is as easy as using a USB-C cable which comes in handy when the app warns that the power is low.

Will help make battery life last longer:

Some suggestions to help maximize battery life so you can go longer between recharges: 

  • Avoid placing the camera near tree branches and other objects that may cause a continuous movement signal.
  • Restrict activity zones as close to areas of interest as possible rather than the maximum extent of the activity zone
  • Tweak motion triggers to exclude far-distance indicators
  • It is recommended that wired power adapters be used where people frequently visit such as patient’s rooms, ICU, labor and delivery, operation theater, and emergency among others.
  • Stipulate the minimum number of recording minutes required per event.
  • Selectively turn on 2FA alerts for notifications only for the highest priority ones.
  • Avoid skipping unnecessary real-time streaming because this immediately consumes the battery.

The Google Nest Cam battery provides the advantage of wireless installation as a wire-free camera. As for the heavy usage households, the charging frequency will be higher; however, with increased attention to the motion frequency, activity zones, alert settings, and streaming, the runs between battery swaps can be longer. With smart power management, one can even get more than the estimated baseline battery time.

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