Home alarms are critical tools to enhance the security and protection of homes and all the inhabitants. Equipping your alarm system means that it is waiting to catch intruders and notify you and law enforcement in case of any intrusion. It is equally important to learn how to effectively use the weapons of the Home Security System as a way of protecting the investment that you have made. This gives a guide on how to properly trigger a simple home alarm system with easy-to-follow procedures.

Know about the modes your system has when it is being armed. It is important to note that almost all home alarm systems have two basic modes of arming, with the most familiar being the Stay mode and the Away mode. It is important to know the difference between these two to be able to charge your system appropriately each time.

Stay Mode

Stay mode is used when at home but do not want fully armed but the system to be armed halfway. In this mode, all exterior entry point sensors for doors and windows are triggered while the interior motion sensors are not triggered. This enables a person to navigate his or her home without triggering the alarm system. Stay mode is most effective at night when you want that extra security but do not need to turn on the entire security system.

Away Mode

Away mode disables all the disarm options on your alarm system ranging from the exterior doors and windows as well as interior movement detectors. This mode is used at any time that there is no one in the house and the homeowner wants full coverage of the compound. The alarm will go off once there is any opening of the entry point or when there is any movement inside. Away mode is the most secure mode possible.

Stay And Away Mode Arming Techniques: Checklist & Instructions

That being said, follow this step-by-step guide to understand how to arm your system in the two main arming modes. This is because keypad programming differs slightly depending on the unit in question, although the following is typical.

They go to The Basement where they find weapons for Arming the System. When deciding to activate the system, be sure that all doors, windows, or any other access point with sensors are closed properly. Ensure that any persons or animals are also out of the vicinity if arming in Away mode.

Stay Mode: Using the Keypad to Arm the System

  1. Key in your personal 4-6 digit security code on the keypad.
  2. Press the ‘Stay’ key or button on the keypad. In some systems, you may find an “Arm Stay” instead.
  3. The system will speak out or flash a message indicating that Stay mode is now armed.

You can now roam around any part of the building, but if you open any door leading to the outside, the alarm goes off. If you have to open doors or windows with the security system in the Stay mode, ensure that you first provide your security code.

Arming the System in Away Mode Using the Keypad

  1. Type your personal 4-6 digit security code on the keypad.
  2. To clear the display and avoid entering a wrong number, press the “Away” button or the “#” key on the keypad. This may also be labeled as just an “Arm”.
  3. This one will also make a sound notification that the system is now in the Away mode when it is armed.

The two areas that are protected in Away mode are the entry points on the outer doors and the interior motion detectors. Any protected point on the premises opens will trigger the alarm. Always ensure that you have deactivated the system once you gain entry by using your security code.

Equipping with Key Fob or Mobile Application The interfaces to many modern alarm systems can also be set to the armed mode by using a wireless key fob or a mobile app. The process is relatively the same as on a wired keypad with the following steps: On a key fob, press the Stay or Away buttons, if the following status guidelines are met: In a mobile app, set the desired arming mode to be activated for the system. The system will acknowledge when armed. It is just important also to make sure that you have your code on hand to reset the alarm system.

Special Arming Modes

Some alarm systems come furnished with other arming modes that you can activate like Vacation, Night Stay, or even other modes. Some of these specialty modes can be accessed by consulting the alarm’s manual or alarm provider. All the tips above about checking status and entering codes are also useful in any mode present.

Program Special User Codes

Virtually all alarm systems include the ability to program several user codes that allow the system to be armed or disarmed in certain configurations. This enables you to give codes to guests, or someone, who needs temporary access to your home but not full access. Consult the manual of your alarm system for instructions on how you can program other codes in your alarm system.

By following these instructions each time you arm your home alarm system you will be guaranteed good security from intruders and at the same time the entire exercise ought to be very smooth for you when setting up security systems at your home. These are infinite, but consistently and properly equip the system, which makes it possible to prevent a break-in and ensure the safety of a home and its members to the maximum. Stay disciplined and do not leave a single feature of the alarm system unexplored.

Protect your home today with ADT’s top-rated security solutions!

Call now at +1 877-470-7879 to get a free consultation and find out how you can secure your home with the best in the business. Don’t wait—ensure your peace of mind with ADT!