As mentioned above, getting an ADT alarm system in your home is more beneficial in ensuring that your home is secure than when you don’t have one. However, there are situations when you may need to temporarily disable your system, for example, when you come home and unlock the front door. Proper disarming of the ADT alarm is crucial to prevent it from triggering and attracting police response when it is not required. Below are the procedures on how to properly disarm the ADT home alarm system:

1. Use Only the Provided Entry Points

When coming home to an armed ADT alarm system, only use the designated entry points that have been installed with sensors to detect your entry. Usually, it would be doors like the front door or the back door that would have keypads and motion detectors close by. When you enter through a window or a different section, there is a likelihood that the alarm system will not ‘see’ you and therefore will still interpret your movements as an intrusion.

2. Go to Keypad Immediately

As soon as you enter your house, under no circumstances should you go to any other room, but rather proceed to the nearest alarm keypad. This is usually fixed around the entry door but can be at other places depending on where the alarm technician has placed it. This is how you will disarm the alarm system and it is found on a keypad. The faster you can get to it, the more time you buy before the sensors are activated, and alarms are raised.

3. Enter Your Passcode

On the keypad, enter your 4 or 6-digit passcode. This passcode should have been set during the installation process of the program or appliance. In case you forget the passcode, the best thing to do is to contact ADT before attempting to reset the system. The alarm is set off if an incorrect passcode is entered.

If done successfully, this tells the system that an authorized person has entered and the sensors can be turned off.

4. Listen for Confirmation Beeps

Once you have keyed in your passcode successfully, wait for the beeps from the keypad to confirm that you have entered the correct passcode. An ADT keypad is typically programmed to beep rapidly several times to signal that the system has been disarmed. If there is no beep or only a long beep sound, it means that there is still an issue with the device.

If one is lucky to hear the proper beeping pattern, this shows that the system has been disarmed and nobody will trigger the sensors or alarms while moving within the home.

5. Check System Status

Before moving through the home, take another look at the keypad to see the status of the system. Check for an icon on the keypad display such as a green light or text message stating that the sensors are not active. This confirms all motion detectors and entry points that were previously assumed a threat level do not anymore sense that upon system disarmament.

6. So, All The Way Get Inside The House

When the keypad displays that the security system is disarmed, you can move around the compound freely within the house without triggering the alarm. This means that even if other family members arrive at the home shortly after you, the alarm will remain disarmed until armed again.

7. Troubleshooting Tips

If the alarm does sound upon entering the home and attempting to disarm it, there are some steps to take: 

  • Exit the home without delay and inform ADT so as not to have the police show up.
  • Make sure you came through the appropriate entry point
  • Ensure that you have keyed in the correct passcode
  • This is done by checking the keypad to look for error messages that state what is still wrong.
  • Ensure that no sensors or entry points were left open or disturbed after the passcode had been input
  • Look around to ensure that none of the other people disarmed the system when you were doing it.

This procedure when followed to the letter enables one to open and close the door as one wishes without any risk of accidents or false alarms. As time goes on, the process of disarming the ADT system as you enter the house becomes almost instinctive. However, if you are in any doubt at any stage or there has been an error, then contact ADT support for further guidance in safely disarming your home alarm. Be safe and shielded with ADT security systems!

Protect your home today with ADT’s top-rated security solutions!

Call now at +1 877-470-7879 to get a free consultation and find out how you can secure your home with the best in the business. Don’t wait—ensure your peace of mind with ADT!