I choose the city of Hendersonville, Tennessee, as it has transformed into a highly desirable place to live during the last two decades due to its small-town appeal while located within driving distance from Nashville. However, as this Middle Tennessee suburb is experiencing very rapid growth, some people who live already in Hendersonville as well as others who are still thinking about moving to this city or suburb ask the following question:
Crime Rates
source The FBI Uniform Crime Reporting Program data for 2013 reveals that the rate of violent crime in Hendersonville is substantially lower than the average of other cities in Tennessee and other parts of the country. Hendersonville residents are 9% less likely to experience violent crime than the average for Tennessee, with violent crime being 210 times more likely than the average per capita.
Property crimes are also comparatively low, with the likelihood of a person becoming a victim of a property crime such as burglary or theft of a car, being 44 times per year. In contrast, the risk level is considerably higher for property crimes; the average Tennessean faces a likelihood of 1 in 28 to experience a property crime each year.
Thus, in the indexes reflecting rates of violent and property crimes, Hendersonville has very low figures. Such low crime statistics are easily explained when one factors in Hendersonville’s demography and economic status, as will be seen in the following sections.
Police Presence
In this fast-establishing suburb of Nashville, the Hendersonville Police Department pays a lot of attention to the security of citizens. In the past few years, there has been an increase in the population of the city and to maintain a good law and order situation, there has been an increase in the size of the police force of the city. Now there are more than 100 sworn police officers who have been deployed within Hendersonville. That means we have about twenty-two thousand officers for a population of sixty-nine thousand, or about two officers per one thousand people, the national average.
Beyond the patrol officers who make direct responses to calls related to crimes and other emergencies, the Hendersonville Police Department employs detectives who investigate serious criminal incidences, a SWAT team, a traffic enforcement section, school resource officers, and other tasks. This kind of expertise helps the department to maintain the minimal rate of crime and at the same time, prepare to face any situation that may occur.
Demographics and Economy
This is well captured by the following statements; ‘’Hendersonville is rated as a very safe city due to its attractiveness, especially to those who are seeking to start a family or those who are in the retirement bracket’’. It is popular for many working individuals and couples who have two incomes to settle in Hendersonville. The typical household earns about $29,982 more compared to the average income of households in the state of Tennessee. And in terms of poverty level, the figure is low with only about 7% of the population categorized as being poor.
Also, Hendersonville does not have prominent large bus terminals, homeless and similar shelters, and other establishments that attract the low class and criminals who are common in other parts of the state. Rather, Hendersonville is a city that has focused on the suburban family with good schools that will produce stability in the community. These demographic factors result in a general decrease in the crime rate in society.
Where to Be Wary?
As for safety, it is a rule of thumb that there is no perfect city when it comes to crime, though Hendersonville is statistically pretty safe. As in most towns, we find that most of the offenses take place in the common business areas, the roads, and areas that feature stores among other facilities.
While crime rates in Hendersonville are still low, areas near large roads such as Johnny Cash Parkway, and Vietnam Veterans Boulevard experience a slightly higher rate of crimes as compared to more serene suburban neighborhoods. Yet, the overall idea of remaining a law-abiding citizen is somewhat consoling as grave offenses are still exceptional. Quick preventive measures such as not leaving items of value visible in a car without the owner around and avoiding concentrating on items while at the same time ignoring surroundings also come in. There is no reason for it to be avoided or for a person to fear specific areas as a consequence of it.
The Bottom Line
Taking into account the fact that Hendersonville has 0 violent and 194 property crimes per 100,000 residents and comparing it to the state and national averages, good police work, and a strong economy, as well as a population made up mostly of families in suburbs, the city can be considered very safe. Families, workers, and retirees need to have the confidence to choose any part of the country they want to live in without the greater concern of security.
That is why while the Nashville metro area is growing, Hendersonville offers the best of both worlds – small town and continued development. This is a good sign in as much as anyone planning to relocate should be assured of a low crime rate in this region. About security, staying alert to safety measures in securing your home and investments, there is a low risk of experiencing a crime in Hendersonville as a resident.