Hoosier State contains some great settings, and people have many ways and causes that make it ideal for living, working,g and playing. However, as with any region, not all locations in Indiana are going to have the same level of safety when it comes to crime and other issues of safety.

Whether you are trying to identify and move to the safest cities in Indiana or you are just concerned about which neighborhood is safe to be in when you are touring through Indiana, then this guide to the safest cities in Indiana is perfect for you! We will give information on which communities are safer than others and also the information will be given concerning why safety is usually given a top priority in such cities.


Located on the outskirts of Boone County and just northwest of Indianapolis, Zionsville has cultivated a remarkable image as the premier safe city in Indiana. Compared to other cities, there are significantly lower rates of Violent crimes in Zionsville, as per the available records, the city records an average of less than 20 violent crimes per year. Other forms of crime such as theft and burglary are also rare for the size of the city that Zionsville is. Community planning measures coupled with engaged resources in public safety and security assist in protecting people’s homes, children at school, areas with businesses, and other places.


As a city with nearly 100,000 people and ranked as the fifth largest city in Indiana, Carmel situated in Hamilton County has recorded some of the lowest rates of crime in the state and probably in the country as well. Non-violent offenses and violent offenses are committed at a rate below state and national figures for both property crimes and violent crimes. Several practices support public safety in Carmel, such as community policing based on the high visibility and accessibility of officers; traffic control measures, and other non-event-based activities related to disaster preparedness. It also collaboratively works with mental health services to patiently help the less fortunate members of society.


Situated to the northeast of Indianapolis in the competitive Hamilton County area, Fishers has similar crime trends and security benefits to Carmel. Logicalsociety-wide campaigns to educate the public on how not to fall victim to criminal incidences also ensure that people are informed on safety measures to embrace while neighborhood watch groups and active neighborhood associations encourage people to embrace the set safety measures. Fishers is a growing city and dynamic planning helps find solutions to accommodate such growth in sectors such as police/fire protection and community health.


With less than 15,000 inhabitants, this Southwestern Indiana city is surrounded by gorgeous hillsides; what’s even better, it boasts some of the lowest crime numbers in the state. Including violent crimes, which are extremely rare, according to the citizens of Jasper, it is a tight-knit community with children’s friendly neighborhoods where people are always watching each other’s back. The Jasper police department is one of the most effective when it comes to presence-based policing which involves constant and timely patrols around the town to prevent any form of unlawful activities and quick response in case of any incidents. The public is also active in providing lead information on suspicious activities through tip-off lines and online reporting platforms.

Avon is another city with a population of slightly over 24,000 people, and it is located right in the southwestern part of Indiana in the safe county of Hendricks. Low crime rates allow people in Avon to feel safe in whatever they do in the community such as taking children to school and undertaking business activities. Avon fully supports public safety aspects such as staffing of emergency crews, installation of closed-circuit television cameras, and initiatives for policing the community. 

West Lafayette

With over 50,000 residents, Purdue University’s main campus offers West Lafayette an impressive population of college and young students, along with numerous family-oriented neighborhoods, which contributes to low crime rates. However, several protective measures also make it possible for West Lafayette to prevent heinous criminal incidents from occurring year in and year out. These are areas of Red/Blue emergency alert systems covering campus and community zones, toxins/hazards surveillance to protect against threats, and enhanced police patrols during activities or events considered sensitive or high-risk.


Locally located to the northwest of Gary, the largest city in Indiana, Munster has also been rated safe through aggressive leadership in sectors such as community planning, police force employment, t, and public health services. As for the second precondition, Munster is focused on preventing crimes by implementing such legal measures as curfews, noise limits, building codes, and other deterrents; however, there are only 20,002 citizens in Munster. Patrol cars are easily identified in all parts of Munster’s neighborhoods and shopping districts as well as other areas of anti-social activity.


Categorized as one of the ten places that is growing at the fastest rate in the entire state thanks to what has been described as a family-oriented community southwest of Indianapolis, crime is also low in Plainfield, and like many of the communities located in Hendricks County. Plainfield residents hold home security in high regard with new homes within the developing Plainfield communities having state-of-the-art security systems ranging from security alarms toflood-litt streets. The fire and police departments in Plainfield are in direct cooperation with mental health and social work to actively look for residents who could require assistance in this regard.


This town is within the Louisville metro area and has a population of approximately 10,000 people, but the overall area is inhabited by about 30,000 people. Safety is, of course, an issue partly because Jeffersontown can boast of its small population, unity of its residents, and, as a consequence, comparatively few criminal offenses. Neighborhood watch groups address the reporting of suspicious activity while the police department’s community engagement activities ensure that the community and the police are partners in their fight against crime. Other structures including street lights, traffic humps,s and barriers in residential areas,s, and security cameras also enhance safety in Jeffersontown.


Located off the I-65 about sixty miles south of Indianapolis this city has been marketed as a family-oriented city with numerous employment opportunities and where the public safety theme is constantly driven. Augmenting local police and other emergency services is a group effort called Safe Seymour, which is made up of several organizations working together to solely focus on violence prevention and substance abuse prevention through the use of education. Seymour is an example of a manager who, by being proactive, maintains annual crime rates significantly lower than Indiana counterparts.

There you have it! The above cities and towns should be your first consideration if you are interested in matters concerning the safety and security of persons and properties when planning on your relocation or travel to Indiana. Using the narrow,closely-knitt neighborhood relations to employing extra police/fire staff and modern surveillance equipment, the communities above show that good planning and active involvement of the public support outstanding public welfare in Hoosier State.